fr | en

Our values

A multidisciplinary legal team

ASKESIS is made up of multidisciplinary teams of experienced Lawyers, who take providing the best service to their clients very seriously. Our practice is rigorous and creative, and we adapt to the expectations of those who call upon our services:

  • start-ups,
  • SME,
  • ISE,
  • or Large Groups.

We consider the law to be a tool which permits our Clients develop their activities, and not a constraint that they must endure. Each Client is in direct contact with a dedicated Lawyer, who develops a cross-functional view of its business, as viewed by the senior management. Thus, each of your projects is examined with the Lawyer that you have chosen, which is the point of entry of the “resource centre” available at our Firm. With average growth of 15% per year since our creation in 2008, and the opening of our office in Paris, our aim is to be by your side, for daily and exceptional operations.

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0.00053975 SELECT * FROM `actualites` WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,10
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0.01973575 Total: 15