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Tax Law

ASKESIS intervenes in the domains of taxation as they concern businesses and individuals. As such, the Firm:

  • Advises its clients on all their tax-related issues (determination of tax result, research tax credit, creation of subsidiaries, remuneration tools of senior management...);
  • Develops and implements restructuring of groups (merger, partial contribution of assets...);
  • Performs acquisition audits;
  • Issues “tax opinions”;
  • Optimises the asset transfers of natural persons (restructuring of private and professional assets, transfer...);
  • Assists its clients within the framework of tax audit operations (auditing of company accounting records, tax audits of individuals, proposal of adjustment...);
  • Represents and defends its clients in tax litigation before administrative and judicial jurisdictions;
  • Advises, assists and represents foreign entities holding real property in France with the French tax administration (matters related to the 3% tax, real estate gains, sale/transfer of real property or of shares in real estate companies...).

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L+/LMS - PHP: 0.054s - Smarty: 0.064s - Total: 0.118s - Docs
0.00037400	SELECT statut, url_detail, libelle_en AS libelle FROM avocats_statuts

0.00035850 SELECT * FROM expertises WHERE id = '1' AND etat = 'en-ligne'
0.00021450 SELECT * FROM expertises WHERE id = '4' AND etat = 'en-ligne'
0.00167125 SELECT MAX(update_time) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'askesiyfrank' AND table_name = 'expertises'
0.00095125 SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (FIND_IN_SET('en', lang) OR lang = '') AND `etat` = 'en-ligne' AND url <> '' AND groupe <> 'invisible' ORDER BY ordre > 0 DESC, ordre ASC, url ASC
0.00189350 DESC `expertises`
0.00058000 SELECT id, `expertises`.`titre_en` AS titre, "" AS title, alias_en AS alias FROM `expertises` WHERE 1 AND (`expertises`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY rang ASC
0.00433300 DESC `actualites`
0.00350425 DESC `actualites_themes`
0.00172150 SELECT DISTINCT `actualites_themes`.* FROM `actualites` LEFT JOIN `actualites_themes` ON FIND_IN_SET(,actualites.theme) WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND `actualites_themes`.`id` IS NOT NULL AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY libelle_en
0.00045625 SELECT url, cible, alias_en AS alias FROM pages WHERE etat = 'en-ligne'
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0.00071600 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `actualites` WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne")
0.00092975 SELECT * FROM `actualites` WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,10
0.00074650 SELECT url, cible, alias_fr AS alias FROM pages WHERE etat = 'en-ligne'
0.02031225 Total: 15